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Clutch Purses

Gold Coast Couture carries one of the most expansive selections of clutch purses. Our elegant designs can make you stand out at any special event. They can make for the perfect accessories to complement your hats or other apparel, which we also offer. We carry many different styles of clutch purses to give you the exact look you want, regardless of the occasion.

Elegant Philip Treacy Designs

Philip Treacy is one of the most well-known and reputable brands, with top-tier designs in clutch purses and other accessories. We offer a wide selection of Philip Treacy clutch purses that come in many different designs, with various colors, materials and patterns available. You’ll be able to choose from nearly any design to match your wardrobe and general style. We also offer many discounts to keep our purses consistently affordable. Whether you want a black satin folding clutch or a unique colorful croissant clutch, we have the styles that can appeal to your tastes.

You can browse our complete selection of clutch purses below, with additional details about each product. Combine them with any of our other products to look your best at any event.